Magnetic Christmas Sensory Bin
Want to mix in a little play-based learning this holiday season? Throw together this magnetic Christmas sensory bin and watch your little one learn a new science concept without realizing it! What You Need: 2 lbs. Navy Beans 1 Christmas Canister 1 Magnetic Wand 9 Metallic Pipe Cleaners (Red, Green, Silver, Gold) 15 Pom Poms 10 Bells (Red, Green, Silver, Gold) 2 Clear Ornaments 13 Mini Metal Ornaments (My Little Christmas, Hobby Lobby) 3 Mini Bottle Brush Trees Sensory Bin (We've used this one previously because we love that it latches, its depth, and the fact that it's clear so you know immediately what's inside. But lately we're obsessed with this pretty white one from IKEA.) *Amounts are approximate. Use as much/as little as you'd like! Live in Austin? Check out our Local Events page to see where we're popping up around town. Meet us there, and pick up a sensory bin for $38.95 - a fraction of the cost to make it yourself! Disclaimer: busy bébés is not affiliated with any of the companies linked or mentioned in this post. We do not earn any money for product purchases or advertisement. All opinions are our own.