Once Upon a Time: Extension Activities
Our curated list of book recommendations, extension activities, and field trips to go with our fairy tale-themed busy bag! Book Recommendations: Make a trip to your local library or bookstore to snag one of these favorites. Favorite Fairy Tales Jack and the Beanstalk by Tiger Tales The Great Fairy Tale Disaster by David Conway My Fantastic Fairy Tale Collection by IglooBooks Lit for Little Hands Series Extension Activities: Have fun extending your child's learning with these ideas from around the internet. Setup a fairy tale tea party in your backyard. Read, sip, retell, and act out your favorites. Build the Three Little Pigs houses out of various materials around your house: popsicle sticks, magnetic tiles, blocks, Legos, pipe cleaners, play dough, etc. Which one is the hardest to knock down? Need more ideas? Check out our Pinterest board here. Field Trip Ideas: Go on a hike. Grab your red "riding hood" and a picnic basket. To grandmother's house you go! busy bébés is not affiliated with any of the linked products, companies, or blogs. We do not earn commission on any sales. All opinions are our own.